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CNG Primary School CCN: #1 - AUGUST 9, 2024

#1 - AUGUST 9, 2024

Dear Primary School Families,

As we prepare to embark on another exciting school year, we want to extend a warm welcome to each and every one of you to Primary School. We hope that you and your family have enjoyed a restful summer and are ready for the adventures this year will bring. As we write this, our dedicated teachers and staff are already on campus, busily preparing the classrooms and grounds for the first day of school on Tuesday, August 13th. We hope you and your child are just as excited as we are to start the school year.  Thank you in advance for your participation and support this year and for joining us in our unified school vision: Educating the mind, strengthening the body, and developing character for leadership and service for the world of today and tomorrow.

Please open the PS section for some important upcoming dates and information.  If you need additional information or have any questions, you can call the PS office at 212-3511 ext. 167.

Here’s to an AWESOME new school year as we work together to make our school a great place to work and learn each day!

With lots of love,

Paula, Vane, and Juli

Important Info


Tuesday, August 13th is our first day of school. Students will not have lunch at school on this day. Lunch will begin on Wednesday, August 14th.It will be a half day for PS students ONLY. You will need to make arrangements if students have siblings in other buildings.  Please remember to arrive at your designated time.  If you arrive too early, you will have to wait.  Also, please remember to be patient.  The first couple of weeks of drop off and pick up will be hectic.  We need to follow our 4 Core Values and treat the staff with Caring and Respect.  Practice takes time.  

Students riding the bus will be leaving at 12:00pm.

These will be our dismissal times for students being picked up at the gate. For the first day of school, please make sure to let your child's teacher and Silvia or  know that you will picking up your child, so we can issue a gate pass. If your children have older siblings in Primary School, please come at your oldest child's dismissal time. 

K4:  11:45

K5:  11:50

G1:  11:55

G2:  12:00




School begins daily at 7:00am. Students who arrive after 7:05 are recorded as tardy, so please be on time. Primary School and Elementary School is on a six-day schedule throughout the year. The PS and ES website, along with weekly teacher newsletters, will inform parents which day Specialist classes will be taking place. Regular attendance is very important. Please make appointments outside the school day or during school holidays.


Due to the heavy flow of people coming in and out of school during drop off and dismissal, parents are allowed to come on campus from 8:30- 1:30pm. 


PS students will be dropped off/picked up at the Main Gate. PS staff members are ready to greet your child and walk them to their classrooms. 

Drop off will begin at 6:40am. There will be no Primary School supervision for gate drop-off before 6:40am, so please make sure not to come before that time. Please send your child with a name tag and their classroom teacher´s name the first weeks of school. 

If you are permanently picking up your child, please write your child´s name on a sheet of paper (placard) and place it in your car windshield. 


 Kinder 4 : 2:05 pm

 Kinder 5 - 2nd : 2:15 pm

 PS gate dismissal will be through the front gate. If your children have older siblings, please come at your oldest child's dismissal time. 


If your child is going to be picked up at the gate every day, please come by the Primary Office to pick up a "PERMANENT GATE PASS" for which the office needs a 2.5 x 3 color picture of your child. Again, please ensure that your child is picked up promptly when the school day or activity ends. You will need both the placard in your windshield and the permanent gate pass with your child's picture. 

Gate Passes - Please make sure to let your child's teacher and the office or know before 11:00 AM if you will be picking up your child at school when they normally ride the bus. 


Transportation – Any questions regarding transportation of your child to CNG should be addressed in the transportation office.  Phone 212-3511 ext. 120.

Students who ride the bus will also be accompanied by adults to their classroom. Please make sure to send your child with a name tag, bus number and classroom teacher the first week of school. 

No bus passes will be issued in August. Bus passes will begin in September. 


PS students are allowed to wear the PE uniform every day. Please make sure to label everything. This is the CNG uniform dress code poster for your reference.


Please send the school supplies with your child throughout this week. Don't send everything at the same time, so they don't have to carry so much weight. Please make sure to label all supplies.


For a snack your child should bring healthy food. As a general rule, please send a lunch box for his/her snack that includes a beverage, and a couple of food items. Please avoid sending packaged junk foods with high sugar content.

If you enroll your child in cafeteria food, hot lunch will be provided for them. Otherwise, please make sure to include lunch in their lunch boxes. 


Please make sure to send a water bottle with your child. They will be able to refill it during the day.


Bus Passes and Party bus service will begin on September 1st.


Catholic religion classes will take place during afterschool activities (2:15 - 3:15 pm). The following are the schedules for each grade level: 


- Third Grade: Preparation for First Communion (Mandatory attendance)
- Fourth and Fifth grade


- First Grade
- Second Grade


- K4 (Starting in January)
- K5


  - Third Grade: Preparation for First Communion (Mandatory attendance)

To sign up for the class, please follow the same process and dates as for afterschool activities on SchoolsBuddy. Registration will be open from August 13th to August 19th.

If you have any questions, reach out to Jessica Ortegón Kalil, Catholic Religion Coordinator: 


We are not just a school, or a community.  We are a family.  A family that laughs together in the easy times, enjoys seeing each other, becomes the best version of ourselves in other times, and most importantly grows stronger and more connected with adversity.

This year, we will continue to make a big emphasis on inclusiveness for all families. Please be thinking of ways that you can reach out to families new to the school or to those whom you don´t know well at your child's grade level. Your efforts in reaching out to others will help to make CNG an inclusive environment for all.


Here are a few reminders to make sure your children have the best school year possible:

  • At the beginning of the year there is an adjustment as students come from summer vacation. Please give your child time and support as he or she adjusts to their new grade level and teacher. Sometimes parents or children may think they need to change classrooms at first. We do not make changes at the beginning of the year. It is important to allow students to learn to adjust and enjoy their new teacher and classmates.
  • Please ensure regular attendance. Attendance is very important in Primary. Students who are absent excessively miss the social interactions that help them feel a sense of belonging and also miss important academic instruction. Please arrange Doctors´ appointments and vacations during non-school times.
  • Communication with your child's teacher is key.  E-mail is a great way to keep in contact and to make an appointment. Please remember that teachers are teaching from the moment the day starts to the end, so you must make an appointment to talk with them.
  • If you have concerns, please email the teacher and counselor for your grade levels as soon as you become aware of the concern. The counselors are Lina Paredes (K4), Laura Olaya (K5), Julieta Calvo (Grade 1), and Veronica Martinez (Grade 2) .
  • Please help our community by keeping a positive mindset and speaking positively with community members. If there is an issue with a staff member, please first speak with that staff member directly and if the issue is not resolved, you may make an appointment with me, (Paula Perez, PS  Principal)  or Vanessa Gilchrist and Juliana Borrero (PS Associate Principals) to help resolve the issue. Please keep any chat rooms positive and focused on specific events or support, not on complaints. Concerns are best resolved through personal appointments and discussions.
  • We have several students with peanut and nut allergies. Please do not send snacks with peanuts in them to school. Let's keep our Primary School peanut free.





Upcoming Days of the week


  • Monday , August 12

  • Tuesday, August 13  (Day 1) Half Day - Noon Dismissal

  • Wednesday, August 14  (Day 2) 

  • Thursday, August 15 (Day 3)

  • Friday, August 16 (Day 4)

Looking Ahead


    13- First Day for students- Half day 

     13-19 Co-curricular activities, Majon & Catholic Religion online registration period

     16 - All School Welcome Assembly (K4 parents are welcome to come)

    22- PS Welcome Assembly (Only for students)

    30- PS/ES Open House- No School for students


    2- PS Athletics & Condor Activities Begin

    6- K4- BBQ

    13- 1st Grade Picnic-OODCD

     20- PS/ES PD Day-NO school for students

    27- K5 Picnic 

Key Contacts

Paula Pérez  PS Principal

Juliana Borrero   PS Associate Principal

Vanessa Gilchrist  PS Associate Principal

Silvia Smit  Administrative Assistant  ext.167

Ana Maria Calderón  Administrative Assistant ext. 269

Office Cellphone: 316 472 7975

Counselor's Corner

The First Weeks of School 

By: Paula Pérez 

The first weeks of school can be challenging for everyone. Children have been  hearing about coming into the “big school” for quite some time. They have been  creating lots of expectations and imagining thousands of things in their little  heads. Parents are also anxious; they have also created many expectations and  imagined thousands of things in their big heads.  

But when the first day arrives… many of the things we have imagined and  expected are different. For many children and parents school looks great,  exciting and fun but for some, things are not quite as they imagined and it gets  kind of scary. Don’t worry if this is your case, I promise things will get better (for  you and your child).  

What to expect in the first weeks of school (remember every child is different and  we can expect a wide range of behaviors which are absolutely normal).  Sometimes children who had a great first week of school tend to have trouble  the second or third. This is also normal. Nevertheless, if you feel there is something  wrong with your child please don’t hesitate to contact me. Here are some typical  behaviors in children. 

  • Children entering the classroom or leaving home in the bus without even  saying good-bye to mom and dad. 

  • Children having a hard time with good-byes and not wanting to stay by  themselves. 

  • Children having tantrums in the morning, before coming to school or as  soon as they arrive. 

  • Children saying the night before they don’t want to come to school.

  • Children saying on the weekend “I want to go to school today”.  

  •  Some children arrive home feeling very excited; telling parents about their  new friends, the first words they learned in English, and all the wonderful  things that happen throughout the day.  

  • Some children prefer to have their own private setting at school and not to  tell parents much about school. This is perfectly normal. It is important to  respect your child’s decision and not pressure him or her with questions.  

  • Some children have nightmares. This is also typical of this age and we have  to give them some time.  


  • Establish a routine. Make sure that your child goes to bed at the same  time every night to ensure at least 10 hours of sleep. Follow the same  routine every morning to help your child children gain confidence about their day.
  • Leave plenty of extra time. Make sure your child has plenty of time to get  up, eat breakfast, and get to school. 
  • Breakfast is the most important time of the day. Make sure you wake up  on time for a sit down breakfast. 
  • The most common challenge for most kids is saying goodbye to their  parents, or trouble separating from Mom and Dad. Often the child reads  their parent’s anxiety. Make sure you are only speaking in positive  terms about “going to school” and that you aren’t showing any of your  own nerves. I suggest a cute technique found in the book The Kissing  Hand. Plant a kiss on your child’s palm and it comforts him/her to know a  part of his/her parent is with him/her during the day. If you show them  your happiness and laughter, they will show you theirs.  
  • Make good-bye short and sweet. Give a hug and kiss good-bye, and then  leave without lingering. The more confident you are about leaving your  child on the first days, the more comfortable the child will be in the new  school environment. Be assured, tears will quickly pass. Almost always,  tears stop once parents leave. If the teacher needs you, or feels your child  needs you, he or she will call you. 
  • At the end of the day expect your child to be tired and maybe even  grumpy. After a healthy snack and some rest, begin to ask your  child specific questions about their day. “Tell me about a new  friend” or “tell me about the book your teacher read you” will give you  more detail than the general “how was your day?” question.  
  • Clear your own schedule. To the extent possible, postpone business trips,  volunteer meetings, and extra projects. You want to be free to help your  child acclimate to the school routine and overcome the confusion or  anxiety that many children experience at the start of a new school year. 
  • Let your children know you care. If your child is anxious about school, send  personal notes in the lunch box or book bag. Reinforce the ability to cope.  Children absorb their parent’s anxiety, so model optimism and confidence  for your child. Let your child know that it is natural to be a little nervous  anytime you start something new but that your child will be just fine once  he or she becomes familiar with classmates, the teacher, and school  routine. 
  • Do not overreact. If the first few days are a little rough, try not to overreact. Young children in particular may experience separation anxiety or  shyness initially but teachers are trained to help them adjust. If you drop them off, try not to linger. Reassure them that you love them, will think of  them during the day, and will be back. 
  • Reinforce your child’s ability to cope. Give your child a few strategies to  manage a difficult situation on his or her own. But encourage your child to  tell you or the teacher if the problem persists. Maintain open lines of  communication with the school. 
  • Arrange playdates. Try to arrange get-togethers with some of your child’s  classmates during the first weeks of school to help your child re-establish  positive social relationships with peers. 


  • The Kissing Hand by Audrey Penn  
  • Miss Bindergarten Gets Ready for Kindergarten by Joseph Slate 
  • Kindergarten Rocks! by Katie Davis  
  • Franklin Goes to School by Paulette Bourgeois  
  • The Berenstain Bears Go to School by Jan and Stan Berenstain

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Bogotá - Colombia