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CNG - Bogotá Distance Learning Hub - Información del Plan de Aprendizaje a Distancia: Stakeholder Roles and Responsibilities During Distance Learning

School Personnel Roles and Responsibilities 
Director's Committee
  • Create and distribute CNG’s DL Plan (DLP).

  • Establish clear channels of communication between faculty, staff, families, and students in the event of this DLP being activated.

  • Support faculty and students/families shifting to a DL environment.

  • Help teachers implement DL and ensure high-quality learning experience for all students.

Learning & Teaching Leadership Team
  • Support all teachers and teams in the implementation of CNG’s DL.

  • Provide models and examples of outstanding DL units and lessons.

  • Recommend new methods/techniques for providing feedback to students.

  • Support teachers and teams as they design new methods to assess student learning.

  • Support teachers and teams in developing strategies to differentiate their instruction.

PS/ES Homeroom Teachers, MS/HS Teachers

  • Collaborate with other members of your team or department to design DL experiences for your students.

  • Communicate frequently with your students and, as needed, with their parents.

  • Provide timely feedback to support your students’ learning.

  • Reflect on the 10 Guidelines for CNG’s Teachers shared in the DLP and how you can implement them.

K4 – 5th Grade Spanish and Sociales Teachers  

  • Collaborate with colleagues in designing DL experiences in accordance with school wide and divisional plans.

  • Develop high-quality learning experiences.

  • Communicate with and provide timely feedback to students and parents.

Exceptional Learner Programs Faculty

(Learning Center and Gifted and Talented)

  • Communicate regularly with co-teachers and other faculty who work with and teach the students in the Exceptional Learner Programs, focusing initially on students on your caseload.

  • Collaborate with co-teachers and other faculty to co-design and co-implement learning experiences.

  • Support classroom teachers in differentiating lessons and activities which may include scaffolding, accommodating, and/or modifying assignments/assessments for students in the Learning Center as well as providing additional challenge, enrichment, and extension learning for students in the Gifted & Talented program.

  • Provide supplementary learning activities for students on your caseload who may benefit from additional practice to close academic and curricular gaps.

  • Monitor the progress of students on your caseload and provide timely feedback.

  • Communicate regularly with students on your caseload and/or their parents to ensure they have success with the DLP and seek ways to solve barriers and roadblocks.

  • Maintain Communication with other professionals working to support your students needs: Coordinator, therapists, parents.

Counseling Team

  • Serve as liaison for communication with students/families in crisis.

  • Connect with faculty of your division ensuring they have the support they need for the students in their Homeroom, Advisory, and VIP classes.

  • Plan and tailor recommendations to the specific crises considering:

    • Does the time of year affect the planning?

    • Do the events of the crisis require any special handling? o What are talking points for homeroom/advisory/VIP teachers?

  • Host Office Hours through Google Meet or WebEx at set times for students to access counseling sessions virtually.

  • Monitor concerns by individuals, follow up on these concerns and support meetings for restoration and clarity.

  • Students, parents, and guardians encouraged to schedule support meetings as needed.

College and Career Counselors

  • Evaluate timeline for graduation requirements, class credit, and AP testing deadlines.

  • Serve as liaison for communication between students and university representative when appropriate.

  • If needed, help students locate testing centers near them for ACT, SAT, TOFEL, and/or AP.

  • Host Office Hours at set times for students to call in and access support virtually.

  • Encourage students, parents, and guardians to schedule these meetings as needed.

PS & ES Homeroom, MS Advisory, & HS VIP Teachers

  • Check in with appropriate Counseling Team member with information about students/parents/guardian in need of additional support.

  • Provide regular emotional support for your students, monitoring and supporting student well-being.

  • Administer wellness surveys to gather data on student well-being.

  • (MS/HS) Use Google Talk to conduct advisory/VIP check-ins with students in their cohorts.


  • Collaborate with colleagues to find resources for high-quality DL experiences and research.

  • Regularly check in with subject and classroom teachers to identify ways to support their design of DL experiences.

  • Maintain and update online library site for obtaining resources.

  • Be available for teachers and students as needed for support.

K4 – 5th Grade Specials Teachers

  • Collaborate with classroom teachers on how to integrate music, art, technology, library, and physical education into classroom projects and experiences.

  • Communicate regularly with your students and provide timely feedback to them.

  • Physical Education – Develop a bank of exercises, physical activities, and competitions for students and share these with classroom teachers and families.

  • Visual Art – Staying mindful of the resources and tools families may not have in their home, develop a bank of projects and activities for students and share these with classroom teachers and families.

  • Music – Staying mindful of the instruments or resources families may not have in their home, develop a bank of activities for students and share these with classroom teachers and families.

  • Technology – Staying mindful of the technology resources families may not have in their home, develop a bank of activities for students and share these with classroom teachers and families.

  • Library – Staying mindful of the physical resources families may not have in their home, develop a bank of activities for students and share these with classroom teachers and families.

Teaching Assistants & Permanent Subs

  • Communicate regularly with classroom teachers to identify ways you can support students and contribute to this DLP.

  • Monitor student learning and provide feedback to students, as requested by the teachers and teams you support.

  • Reach out to provide support for teachers.

Instructional Coaches & Community Service and Social Responsibility

  • Collaborate with homeroom/subject teachers in planning DL lessons.

  • Support teachers with effective and purposeful planning.

  • Be available to co plan and co teach when requested.

  • Utilize Google Meet for individual teacher, grade and/or subject faculty meetings.

Learning Center Staff K4-12 (not co-teachers)

  • Host Office Hours through Google Meet or WebEx at set times to deliver interventions related to students individual learning goals .

  • Identify and use online learning tools that can support students' growth towards their individual goals.

  • Monitor, document, and communicate student progress.

  • Provide parents and caregivers with resources and tools to support student engagement.

Tech Support Team

  • Review and develop how-to tutorials ensuring teachers, students, and parents have the necessary manuals to excel in a DL environment.

  • Continually monitor the needs of teachers, students, and parents and troubleshoot their challenges, as needed.

  • Be available in person or remotely to provide on-demand tech support help.

  • Audit usage to identify students or parents who may be unavailable or out of reach.


Student Roles & Responsibilities
  • Establish daily routines for engaging in the learning experiences (e.g. 8:30 a.m. start).
  • Identify a comfortable, quiet space in your home where you can work effectively and successfully.
  • Regularly monitor online platforms (Google Classroom, Seesaw, email, etc.) to check for announcements and feedback from your teachers.
  • Complete assignments with integrity and academic honesty, doing your best work
  • Do your best to meet timelines, commitments, and due dates.
  • Communicate proactively with your teachers if you cannot meet deadlines or require additional support.
  • Collaborate and support your CNG peers in their learning.
  • Comply with CNG’s Acceptable Use Policy, including expectations for online etiquette.
  • Proactively seek out and communicate with other adults at CNG as different needs arise.
For queries about...  Contact...

a course, assignment, or resource

the relevant teacher

a technology-related problem or issue

Less urgent matters can be done by the usual channel of creating a ticket. Go to Single Sign-On Essential Apps/Service Desk: CNG Help Desk

There is also a Live Chat at the CNG Help Desk (bottom right) students can use for immediate, urgent questions or needs. More info on CNG Help Desk   

a personal, academic or social-emotional concern

your assigned counselor

other issues related to DL

the Principal or Associate Principal from your division


Parent / Guardian Roles & Responsibilities

Provide support for your student(s) by adhering to the 10 Guidelines for CNG’s Parents:

  • Establish routines and expectations.
  • Define the physical space for your student(s)’s DL.
  • Monitor communications from your student(s)’s teachers.
  • Begin and end each day with a check-in.
  • Take an active role in helping your student(s) process their learning.
  • Establish times for quiet and reflection.
  • Encourage physical activity and/or exercise.
  • Remain mindful of your student(s)’s stress or worry.
  • Monitor how much time your student(s) is spending online.
  • Keep your student(s) social, but set rules around their social media interactions.
For queries about... Contact... 

a course, assignment, or resource

the relevant teacher

a technology-related problem or issue

  • Parents can also utilize the CNG TechSmart Team
  • For URGENT matters only, parents can call the IT Helpdesk support line (only available in case of school closure) at: (+57) 2123511 ext. 735 to communicate directly with one of our IT consultants.

a personal, academic or social-emotional concern

your student’s assigned counselor

other issues related to DL

the Principal or Associate Principal from your student’s division



CNG Communication Table for Distance Learning

August 8, 2020
(embedded email addresses) 

(K4, K5, 1st, 2nd)
(3rd, 4th, 5th) 
(6th, 7th, 8th)
(9th, 10th, 11th, 12th)
PRINCIPAL Donald Bertolo
Michelle Cruckshank

Ashley Barker

Ivan Velasco

Paula Perez

Lisa Kipfer
Billy Thomas

Jesse Wagner
Class of 2022 & 2023

Mary West
Class of 2021 & 2024


Violeta Barrios
K4 & K5 

Alicia Amador
1st & 2nd

Adriana Iragorri
Shared 3rd, 4th & 5th

Monica Posada
Shared 3rd, 4th & 5th

Clemencia Toro

Malia Boudaine

Agustin Trujillo

Kate Harvey
Class of 2021

Juliana Tamayo
Class of 2022

Felipe Merizalde 
Class of 2023

Marcela Cobo
Class of 2024

College & Career Counselors

Anna Stewart
María Lucía Puerta
Matt Sydow

School Director

Shaysann Kaun
Director of Learning & Teaching

Liliana Borrero
Associate Director of Learning Programs

John Parker
Director of Educational Technology 
Catalina Artunduaga
Director of the Learning Center
Maria Paula Camargo
Associate Director of the Learning Center
Astrid Amador
Colombian Program Director
Monica Arrubla
Colombian Program Associate Director
Andres Silva
Athletics Director
Colin Lauman
Coordinator for P.E. and CoCurricular Activities
Ana Maria Rodriguez
Human Resources Director
Laura de Brigard
Admissions Director


Distance Learning Email Chart of Leadership & Counselors - August 2020

Parent Resources for Seesaw (PS) and Google Classroom (ES, MS, HS)

Colegio NUEVA GRANADA | | Cra 2E No. 70-20 | Phone: (571)212 3511
Bogotá - Colombia