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Colegio Nueva Granada: Arts

The Fine Arts are interdisciplinary in nature; they enrich a student’s educational experience and positively influence all areas of academic study. An environment that acknowledges and empowers creative expression in its varied forms also fosters personal growth, maturity, and responsibility. In CNG we encourage students to engage in higher order thinking through the creative process which also allows them to develop problem-solving skills for intellectual and artistic pursuits and an enduring appreciation for the arts.

The Fine Arts teach vital ways of seeing, imagining, inventing and thinking, and help produce informed, responsible, and productive citizens by promoting self-reflection, social understanding, and cultural acceptance. Through a study of the Fine Arts, students create quality visual and performing art; strive to appreciate the work of others; and learn to value the arts in their everyday lives.

In addition, the pursuit and study of the Fine Arts fosters positive character development in the areas of perseverance, responsibility, determination, and willingness to take risks and accept challenges. Though the Fine Arts are about acceptance and accessibility, they are also about the pursuit of excellence and require high levels of  self-discipline.

The CNG Fine Arts program includes mandatory participation in Visual Art and Music in both the primary and elementary school, and a variety of elective courses are offered in music, visual arts, audiovisuals, and drama in both the middle and high schools. In addition, the Fine Arts Department offers a variety of extra-curricular performance opportunities.

Colegio NUEVA GRANADA | | Cra 2E No. 70-20 | Phone: (571)212 3511
Bogotá - Colombia